Erysimum: a solution for hoarseness and voice loss

Erysimum, whose scientific name is “Erysimum officinale”, has always been one of the best natural remedies to take care of your voice. It is not by chance that this plant was also referred to as Chantor’s herb. Erysimum contains sulphur compounds, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and improves pulmonary ventilation. It acts in synergy with liquorice and elecampane, which are perfect for treating pulmonary inflammation and cooling.
Erysimum is considered as the best remedy for inflamed vocal cords, hypophonia and aphonia.
How to avoid hoarse voice (hypophonia).
There are some very simple measures that anyone can take to treat hypophonia.
First, you should protect yourself from cold weather to avoid breathing cold and dry air. Try to breathe with your nose, which filters, warms and humidifies air. In addition, avoid passive and active smoking, vocal overuse and make sure you drink a lot (no ice or sparkling water).
An old yet effective home remedy is mixing honey with hot milk or with lemon tea. Combining Erysimum and liquorice is also a good solution. Erysimum is available as syrup or pills that dissolve in your mouth. Do not overuse liquorice because an excessive dietary intake of it can increase your blood pressure.
What if your voice remains weak?
If, despite this guidance, your voice is still weak, there is no other solution than to contact a voice specialist physician. There are two types of specialists dealing with phonation: otorhinolaryngologists (ENT doctors) and speech therapists.
As an otorhinolaryngologist, I do not believe that there is a lot of difference in the way these two physicians operate. In both cases, a laryngoscopy is necessary to establish the diagnosis. This medical procedure can be performed using different techniques. Indirect laryngoscopy (with the aid of a laryngeal mirror) may be sufficient, but a flexible or rigid fiberoptic laryngoscopy is more accurate.
In order to properly treat dysphonia or hypophonia, the physician has to visualize the larynx and assess the appearance and movements of the vocal cords. Only through this examination it is possible to make a diagnosis and develop a treatment plan.
The most severe cases require a drug therapy (anti-inflammatory and anti-reflux drugs) or even surgery (phonosurgery), which can only be performed by an ENT surgeon. In other cases, Erysimum is an excellent natural remedy, which will surely help you recover your voice. Thermal treatments, such as inhalations, can also be a valuable aid.