Can tinnitus be measured?

The answer is yes.
The ATA (American Tinnitus Association) has tried to develop an as objective as possible measurement scale. It should be known, in fact, that tinnitus is by its very nature a purely subjective condition.
Tinnitus has a significant impact not only on hearing ability, but also on several aspects of the patient's life.
This is why specific tests have been developed to measure the subjective burden that a patient experiences because of tinnitus.
A number of tests exist, but they all go in the same direction, that is, to assess the patient's personal reaction to tinnitus.
I would like to share with you the self-assessment test proposed by ATA, called "Tinnitus Handicap Inventory" (THI). It is a simple tool, a good starting point for you to understand the seriousness and the impact of tinnitus on your life.
There are five levels of assessment, ranging from slight to catastrophic.
The result will help you understand how tinnitus affects your life.
However, this test is only a starting point: an effective assessment performed by an experienced ENT specialist will help you overcome this problem and rediscover a good quality of life.